Geyser can explode while taking a bath:

Forget to turn off after switching it on; improve your habit

In this winter season, be it Syntex tank or municipal tap water, bathing with direct cold water is not in everyone's capability. In such a situation, geysers are being used in most of people's homes.

There is definitely one member of the house who forgets to turn on the geyser. There will also be a member who keeps the geyser on while taking a bath. In such a situation, it is possible that the geyser installed in your bathroom explodes and someone dies.

We are telling this thing not to scare you but to make you aware, in such a situation, today we will give some information related to geysers in the news of need.

We talked to some people from Bhopal, Indore, Jaipur and Delhi, these are the people who are thinking of getting a new geyser, or those who already have a geyser but make some or the other mistake while using it.

Apart from this, if your geyser runs on electricity, then the electricity bill will be more. Runs on gas, so the gas will run out quickly. In both the situations, your expenses can be high.

Question 1- I am thinking of buying a new geyser, for how long does the water remain hot in the geyser?

answer- Any company's geyser of 5 star rating has the capacity to store 25 liters of water. Once fully heated the water keeps it hot for about 24 hours.

It is also important to know how many types of geysers are there. After knowing their details, it will be easier for you to take a decision while buying.

There are 5 types of geysers

  • electric geyser

  • gas geyser

  • tank water geyser

  • hybrid geyser

  • Solar Geyser Note- Electric or gas geysers are used in most of the houses.

Understand the difference between the five geysers written above-

Electric geyser- This is the most common geyser. In which water is heated through copper coil. It is smaller than a gas geyser. Fits easily anywhere. The water in it heats up very fast and does not release carbon dioxide. However, it requires electricity to use it.

Gas geyser This is also used in many homes. In this, water is heated through Liquefied petroleum gas i.e. LPG and Propane. Through electric geyser, it heats the water more quickly. It is considered good for a large family. Because it requires a big bathroom and ventilation.

Tank Water Geyser- It consists of a tank. Water is stored first, then hot. The problem with this is that if the water remains in the tank for a long time, it cools down.

Hybrid geyser- It also has a water tank, in which water is stored. The second remains the heat pump, in which the heat is collected. It consumes 60% less electricity than normal geyser. The cost is high.

Solar water geyser- This geyser is best for places where there is a lot of sunlight. It is pollution free. This can be a good option for a small family.


Question 2- If a person forgets to switch off the geyser daily, how can he rectify this habit?

Answer- Understand from the points written below…

  • Whenever you are turning on the geyser, tell any member of the house the time to turn it off, so that if you forget, the other person remembers.

  • If the old geyser is installed and it does not have automatic switch off, then set the shutdown alarm on mobile or watch.

  • If you are going to install a new geyser, then take only the geyser with automatic switch off system.

Question 3- If you are getting geyser installed for the first time, then what things should be taken care of?

answer- Keep these 5 things in mind while getting the geyser installed for the first time…

  • Get the geyser fitted by the company's engineer, don't try to install it yourself.

  • Buy only ISI marked geyser, avoid buying local geyser.

  • There should be some empty space between the wall and the geyser in the bathroom where you are installing the geyser.

  • Always install the geyser at such a height where your hands can reach easily during cleaning.

  • The height of its switch should be such that children's hands cannot reach it easily.

Question 4- I am thinking of installing a gas geyser, what precautions should I take?

answer- Nowadays people are installing gas geysers to save electricity bill. This will save electricity but can become a threat to life. So ...

  • Keep the geyser and gas cylinder out of the bathroom.

  • Before closing the bathroom door, fill the bucket with hot water.

  • There should be arrangement of air movement in the bathroom i.e. there should be ventilation facility.

Question 5- I have heard, due to gas geyser there is a danger of death, is it true?

answer- First understand how a gas geyser works - it runs on LPG. LPG contains gases named butane and propane, which produce carbon dioxide after burning. When the bathroom is small and there is no window or exhaust fan in it, then the amount of oxygen decreases there. In such a situation, carbon dioxide increases. This can cause problems like knee and chest pain and dizziness. Headache and movement of hands and feet also reduces. In this way the bather cannot control himself and faints. In such a situation, many times people also die due to suffocation.

Understand how a gas geyser can become a threat to life-

  • A person first faints when carbon dioxide enters the body.

  • His mind goes into a coma-like state.

  • He is not in a position to open the door and come out.

  • Because of this, he suffocates inside the bathroom.

  • Carbon monoxide attacks the red blood cells that deliver oxygen to the body.

  • When one breathes, the oxygen present in the air gets mixed with the hemoglobin.

  • It is with the help of hemoglobin that oxygen travels from the lungs to other parts of the body. Hemoglobin molecules get blocked by smelling carbon monoxide.

  • The oxygen transport system of the body gets affected.

  • Due to this, there is headache, difficulty in breathing, nervousness, thinking ability is affected, coordination of hands and eyes is disturbed, cardiac and respiratory failure occurs.

  • Overall, there can be a danger of death.

Question 6- Which geyser can be a good option, I am thinking of installing it in my flat?

answer-Solar geyser is a good option. Using this, water can be heated without spending gas and electricity. Nowadays most of the cities have flat system. Some builders also give it by putting it on the ceiling of the apartment. Where there is a shortage of space, you have to find another option of geyser.

Question 7- How can geyser reduce electricity bill?

answer-Keeping a few things in mind, you can save electricity by using geyser.

  • Buy 5 star rated geyser. These help a lot in reducing the electricity bill.

  • Switch on the geyser only when it is in use. Turn it off the rest of the time.

  • Set a goal every month to spend the same number of units. With this, you will be able to pay more attention while operating the geyser.

  • Buy a high-capacity geyser. Once water is heated in it, it remains hot for 3-4 hours.

Question 8- It is said that if there is salty water, the geyser can get damaged quickly. is it true?

answer-If the water in your home is salty, then the geyser needs special care. In fact, scale build-up on the surface of the heating material and deposits over time weaken the geyser. If this layer becomes thick, the water cannot heat up fast enough. This may burn the heater. For storage and instant geysers, you should open the geyser occasionally and clean the heating material.

while going

Read the two incidents caused by the geyser

incident number-1

Newly married couple dies due to geyser explosion

In October, a doctor couple died in Hyderabad due to a geyser explosion. Ummi Mohmeen Saima, a 22-year-old MBBS student, and Dr. Nisaruddin, 26, were newly married. Their bodies were found in the bathroom.

incident number-2

gas geyser made Death Of Reason

In Hyderabad itself, a girl named Sakshi Jadhav died in the bathroom. Sakshi went to the bathroom to take a bath. When she did not come out for a long time, the family members opened the door and saw that she was lying unconscious inside. Sakshi was taken to the hospital for treatment, where doctors declared her brought dead. Actually, due to the running of the geyser, gas was filled in the bathroom, due to which he died due to suffocation.