First Floppy - IT Equipment on rent - Laptop on rent 

Looking for a laptop on rent? First floppy has got you covered! With our new Facebook page, you can easily compare prices and rental terms to find the best deal. First floppy is the one-stop-Solution for all your laptop rental needs. We offer competitive prices and top-notch service so you can always be sure you're getting the best value for your money. Visit our Facebook page now and start browsing through our selection of laptops on rent. You're sure to find the perfect one for your needs! We are excited to announce that First Floppy is now on Facebook! Like our page to stay up-to-date on the latest laptop rental deals and IT equipment news.

Over time we've seen numerous experts and their papers burst the parallels and differences between rent and parcel.

 Yet then we are, confused and still unclear whether to rent or lease an asset.

 generalities like rent and parcel apply to all the effects possessed by mortal beings.

 They're vital legal documents that need to be completed before leasing or renting a property by the parties involved.

 The decision to rent or lease depends on the nature of the asset.

 You can rent or lease anything whether it’s a piece of land or a laptop, a Boeing or a bike.

 On the face, they feel analogous but there are major differences between the two.

 Let’s launch secerning between the two grounded on the constraints these work within.

 General Definition

 A parcel is a contract between two parties where the asset is allowed to be used and controlled by another party for a defined period without actually buying it. Renting is a short-term agreement between the two parties where one party pays rent for the use of the asset to the proprietor of the asset.

 Laptop on Rent

 The contract in which the terms and conditions of the parcel are defined is known as Lease Deed. colorful types of parcel deed are as follows-

- Finance Lease

- Operating Lease

- trade and Lease Back

- Direct Lease

- Open-ended parcel

- Close-end parcel

-Single investor parcel

- Leveraged parcel

-Domestic Lease

- International Lease


 The parties involved when an asset is given on rent are proprietor and Tenant. proprietor is the one who gives the asset on rent and Tenant is the one who takes the asset on rent.

 The parties involved when an asset is given on a parcel are Lessor and Lessee. Lessor is the one who gives the asset on parcel and Boarder is the one who takes the asset on the parcel.


 When an asset is given laptop on rent, the responsibility for the conservation of the asset belongs to the proprietor or the landlord. In some cases, it might be the Tenant’s responsibility as well which depends upon the nature of the contract.

 When an asset is given on parcel, the responsibility for the conservation of the asset belongs to the Lessee.


 Rent agreements for an asset are generally inked for a short time whereas Leasing contracts are inked for a medium to a long time. Rent agreements can extend up to 60 months whereas leasing contracts may extend for 99 times.


 The tenant under the reimbursement agreement is supposed to pay yearly or daily inaugurations or rent whereas a border under the leasing contract is supposed to pay fixed yearly inaugurations.

 Contract variations

 The rent agreement renews after every 30 days and can be modified or terminated by the landlord or the proprietor of the asset after agitating it with the tenant or written notice is given 30 days before the correction. But the leasing contract can not be changed or modified under any condition for the entire

 duration of the contract. In both cases, the contracts and agreements are formed after collective discussion and concurrence.

 Checking out

 Tenant in the rent agreement can’t lease the property whereas border in the parcel contract can lease the demesne.

 After Expiry

 Once the duration is over the landlord asks the tenants to move out of the property, return the asset or continue their stay with a recently inked agreement but during a parcel contract, once the duration is over the boarder is offered by the letter to buy the asset.

 Accounting Standard

 For parcel- AS- 19

 For rents- no specific standard

 The decision to rent or lease depends on colourful situations similar as-

- Capital

 When a party doesn’t have ample fixed capital and urgently bear the asset or property, they frequently take the parcel. still, if there are no issues with fixed capital income the party may conclude for rent. Computer on Rent

- Duration of stay

 Rent benefits people who only need to stay in a certain place during a transition or acquire an asset or when they're doubtful of how long they want to rent in a specific area.

- Stability

 Lease contracts are profitable to people because it fixes the yearly parcel. And the factors similar as parcel quantum and length can not be changed indeed if property or rent values rise.

 The nature of the document

 This piece of legal document is handed to avoid controversies and hold either of the party responsible for the violation of the document. Whether its rental agreement or leasing contract the document should settle out issues similar as-

- The duration of stay

- The quantum of rent and deposits the tenant/ border must pay

- Number of people allowed to live on the property

- Who'll pay for the conservation

- Who'll pay for the court proceedings and documents or will they participate

 RENT A PC 6 Reasons Why Renting Computers Will Change Your Life

 6 reasons why renting computers will change your life

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 Life is changeable. Let’s imagine.

 You're all set for your investor’s meeting. You have worked day and night to prepare a donation with all the data and numbers. Since you’re a smart professional you have studied your followership and in case of a catastrophe, you have also taken a back-over. But for some unknown reason, your laptop doesn’t feel to switch on. Life just pressed Alt F4 on your plans.

 One further with the new backing you're determined to upmarket your platoon and grow your business to reach implicit guests. You’re confused as to buy new laptops or move to a bigger place to accommodate the new platoon. As with further power, comes more responsibility you're floundering to dashingly invest the limited capital you have been granted.

 There are multitudinous scripts we face in our day-to-day lives where we're forced to decide as snappily as possible to buy a new laptop or whether to stay and get the old one repaired. This takes a huge risk on our work and bank accounts.

 “ A wise man doesn't try to accelerate history. numerous wars have been avoided by tolerance and numerous have been rained by reckless haste. ”- Adlai Stevenson

 Only if we're smart enough to patiently look for another option we might stumble upon a many that might save us redundant pennies and prove salutary in the long run. One similar option is rent rather than purchase.

 Yes, you read that right. You can rent computers as well. I suppose I've got your attention and your eyes rolling. Gone are the days when you had the dire need of a laptop and the only way was to spend plutocrat to get a new bone

 Then are 6 reasons that are going to exfoliate some light on why renting a laptop might be the smartest decision you'll ever make.

 1. Computers and laptops are cheapening means

 Robert Kiyosaki, Author of Rich Dad and Poor Dad said- “ The big mistake poor and middle-class people make is spending their lives buying arrears rather of means ”. According to Robert, an asset puts a plutocrat in your fund and a liability takes a plutocrat out. Laptop on Rent

To be honest, we consider this only if we're allowed of buying finances or a house, but why don’t we ever suppose about what Robert said before copping

 precious laptops and desktops? Their sale price goes down hard as soon as we buy them. Over time their cost depreciates. We're noway suitable to prize maximum ROI on these products as it depends upon the life of the machine, stoner interactivity and conservation which are uncertain at any given point. Hence the outside can noway be achieved.

 2. Renting makes you flexible

 Renting a computer doesn’t educate you on yoga or make you do planks, and yet it provides you with the inflexibility you earn. The power of being flexible with your coffers. The freedom of not investing now and also whenever your platoon expands or lessens.

 Reimbursement features similar to volume and duration period allow you to rent when there’s a demand. And if the resource ceases to live, you can always return the product. A smooth and cost-effective process to make sure you invest your capital dashingly and use coffers to their maximum eventuality.

 3. Low original cost

 When you’re starting on your own, you have a fixed quantum of capital to invest in the coffers. Now, these coffers can be people or machines. Will you spend your limited capital on laptops or hire elderly-position experts to help you design, develop and optimize your product or service? And generally, every member of the platoon requires a desktop or a laptop to modernize and carry out their diurnal processes.

 Getting a laptop on rent for the first many months that are majorly concentrated on developing the prototype gives you a breathing space to continue your development for the coming many months.

 4. No outflow charges and headache

 You're inviting trouble if you don't maintain and service your laptop or desktop regularly. If we take care of our machines they're bound to repay our love by delivering peak performances and life.

 conservation and servicing of these products if done on your own will bring you plutocrat and time. And in a moment’s world time is original of a plutocrat, thus, the loss is doubled. But if you’re getting a desktop/ laptop on rent, you don’t have to worry about the double loss as this process is the responsibility of the rental companies. They deliver high-speed and superior quality laptops on rent which bear little or zero conservation so that you continue to work your way to success without fussing about the conservation headache and charges.

 5. Renting makes you thankful

 If you’re working on someone differently’s the laptop you're determined to return it safe and sound. Whereas you’re indifferent to your laptop and handle it casually. Ever wonder why? because we take effects for granted. Computer on Rent

 We should be thankful for what we've before life teaches us to love what we lost. When you’re renting a product, you’re technically paying for the days you’re going to use it. That means you're esteeming your time and valuing your work and the machine. Isn’t it a great thing that you're saving plutocrats and literacy to be thankful for what you have?

 6. Freedom to explore

 Whenever we suppose of buying a laptop we probe a lot on the internet, talk to every tech-smart person in our group, read lots and lots of reviews, watch product vids and indeed window shop for so numerous days before we decide to settle down on one.

 How about you shortlist your favourite laptops and get them on rent? Then you'll be suitable to use and test them as per your conditions. You can check if they're compatible with your work heritage, your diurnal commute and value for plutocrats. Renting a laptop can be your test drive before actually buying one.

 Laptop on Rent Delhi, Noida, Gurugram, Faridabad, Mumbai, Pune, Indore, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, Manesar in INDIA

 Laptop Lanes To Increase Your Productivity

 Ever been in a situation when you're in a productive zone while working on your laptop and you have to take a moment to use the mouse or drag your cursor to complete your coming action? How does it feel?

 The moment your instigation takes a pause is one of the worst passions ever because you’re riding the steed of maximum productivity who just ate the creative power bar and is forced to decelerate down only to reach that loftiest gear of effectiveness again.

 We all have been there and through these situations. It doesn’t feel right at all. First of all, we infrequently achieve this samurai state of working

Windows logo key to the rescue

Open or hide start screen - Windows Key or CTRL + Esc

Maximize/minimize your window - Windows Key + Up/Down Arrow (Up arrow for maximizing and Down arrow for minimize) Laptop on Rent

Cycle through apps on the taskbar - Windows Key + T

Switch between open apps - Windows Key or Alt + Tab

Switch to Desktop - Windows Key + D or M

Shutdown options - Windows Key + X

Take a screenshot - Windows Key + PrntScr

Snap. Split the screen evenly between two to four applications.

Snap a window to the left side of the screen - Windows Key + Left Arrow

Snap a window to the right side of the screen - Windows Key + Right Arrow

Now snapping into the quarters after dividing the screen into 2 parts -

Windows + Up Arrow or Windows Key + Down Arrow

It’s important to lock your computer whenever you walk away - Windows Key + L or to switch users.

Output your screen to a projector, connect to external monitors or broadcast to a wireless display - Windows Key + P

Open my computer or file explorer to view all your drives and folders - Windows Key + E

Move app from one monitor to another - Windows Key + Shift + (Left/Right) Arrow Key

Open ease of access center - Windows Key + E

Open quick link menu - Windows Key + X

Open Run dialogue box - Windows Key + R

Search quickly in your computer - Windows Key + F

Find other PC’s in your network - Windows Key + Ctrl + F

Selection and actions

Selecting a required area requires precision. And our touch screen PC’s and sometimes even the mouse fails to deliver this accuracy.

Select all of the content in a given window - Ctrl + A.

Select rows in an Excel spreadsheet, blocks of text in Word or files in File Explorer - Shift + Click the first row or the first line, hold down the Shift key and then click the last row or line.

Iterate through words and select the desired area as per your requirements - Shift + Arrow Key.

Select two or more non-adjacent items at the same time - Hold down Ctrl and Ctrl + Click all the items. If you click without Ctrl being pressed down, you’ll lose all the previous selections.

Basic actions that can be taken now –

Copy the content - Ctrl + C

Cut the selected the area - Ctrl + X

Paste the cut or copied content - Ctrl + V

Open formatting options in MS Word after selection - Ctrl + D

If you want to skip the wide variety of options presented by the Format Dialog Box simply use -

To make the text bold or to remove the bold effect - Ctrl + B

To make the text italic or to remove the italic effect - Ctrl + I

To add or remove the underline on the selected area - Ctrl + U

Everyone loves a fresh piece of content. Thesaurus or online search for particular words can add these vibes to your language. To do so, highlight the word and press Shift + F7 and Word shows a comprehensive list of related terms in a panel on the right side of the screen.

If you want to reverse your recent actions use UNDO - Ctrl + Z and if you want to reverse the undo command use REDO program - Ctrl + Y. If nothing was undone then the Redo option will not do anything.

If you want to order a print, use this command - Ctrl + P

Open task manager to view the currently active tasks and manage them in case a task is not responding - Ctrl + Alt + Delete

Permanently delete files by skipping their entry to recycle bin - Shift + Del

Zoom in - Ctrl + plus sign(+) | Zoom Out - Ctrl + minus sign(-)

Shutdown windows - Alt + F4

Save your work - Ctrl + S

Rename a file - Fn Key + F2

Rename multiple files at the same time by selecting all the files at once using the shortcuts mentioned above and then press F2. Enter the new name and Vola, all your files will have the same name and a number in the end.

Browsing made easy

You don’t need to rush to your mouse to take you to the previous page. Alt + Left Arrow takes you to the previous page of the current tab and Alt + Right Arrow takes you forward. Computer on Rent

Eliminate unwanted format when you paste in a snippet of text from a web page or any other document by using Ctrl + Shift + V. This copies the content into your browser's clipboard, free of all the formatting provided by the page or document owner and from there you can select and paste the content into your desired file.

Restore the recently opened tabs in case you wildly closed the tab you were working on using CTRL + SHIFT + T. This works for all the major web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Internet Explorer.

Select or highlight cells or rows while editing a spreadsheet in Excel or Google Docs by using Shift + Space. Furthermore, you delete the selected rows using Ctrl + minus sign(-). In case you wish to select all the rows below or above the current row, use Ctrl + Shift + Up or Down Arrow.

Hide or reveal the bookmarks bar using Ctrl + Shift + B

Open the bookmarks menu in chrome in a new tab using Ctrl + Shift + O

If you want to send your email with the speed of light after you’re done composing it use Alt + S Outlook or other desktop mail clients. If you want to perform the same lighting action in Gmail use Ctrl + Enter.

Initiate a quick reply to an email in Outlook using Ctrl + R

You can create your own custom keyboard shortcuts in Gmail by switching on the keyboard shortcuts settings.

Update, reload, and Refresh the stuck pages using F5 or Ctrl + R in any Windows web browser.

Search the web pages for a particular phrase or your desirable words using CTRL + F

If you like what you are reading on the internet it’s better to bookmark that page and revisit it and gain precious seconds by not taking your cursor or mouse to the start button, using CTRL + D.